hammond pearce

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Lecturer (also known as Assistant Professor)

University of New South Wales Sydney, School of Computer Science and Engineering

Google Scholar | ORCID | UNSW | LinkedIn | GitHub | Project blog (01001000.xyz) 

Dr. Hammond Pearce (he/him) is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at UNSW Sydney's School of Computer Science and Engineering. His main research focus is in cybersecurity of embedded and cyber-physical systems (CPS), including in additive manufacturing and in industrial informatics, and also examines the implications of machine learning (ML) on design and applications in this space. He received the B.E. (Hons) degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 2014 and the Ph.D. in Computer Systems Engineering in 2020 both from the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. In 2019 he took part in the NASA International Internship Programme and worked at NASA Ames in California, and he has also worked in several industry positions, including as a full-stack web developer and as an electronics contractor working on Li-ion battery management systems.  Previously he has also worked as a Research Assistant Professor at NYU Tandon's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and in the NYU Center for Cybersecurity. His other research interests include IoT, CPS, compilers, and AI / ML.

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peer-reviewed publications

ph.d. thesis

My thesis was titled "Model-driven Engineering for Safety and Security in Industry 4.0 ". It focused on how different engineering techniques can be utilized to test and verify different safety and security properties within different stages of the design lifecycle for industrial control and cyber-physical systems. This included work on precision-timed (PRET) architectures, modeling with IEC 61499, defining new semantics for control and plant lock-step simulation as well as for safety properties in a textual "Valued Discrete Timed Automata (VDTA)" format, and compilation tools for VDTA to Verilog.